Sometimes, while watching youtube videos, we need to sign-in to watch some videos, most of them are adult content, but that doesnt mean we gotta create an account just to watch a video or so. So heres the trick to get things right.
Suppose there is a video. Example as
Try hitting the above url and you will be asked to login by youtube. Go on..
Now you have seen clearly that above video requires login or signup.
Now we want to bypass that login or signup requirement.
Now we want to bypass that login or signup requirement.
All we gotta do is edit the url, that is replace the ? and = both by / and hit the url
^ ^
From the error page, it would be like this
Url of the error page
Remove verify_age?&next_url=/ from the url
And Replace %3F and %3D by /
/ /
/ /
Resulting url:
That's the end and you will be able to see video without login or signup.