Sunday, January 3, 2010

[TIP] Save HDD space, improve computer's efficiency

Do it yourself without using any 3rd party software.......
It will not only save your harddisk space but also increase the efficiency of the computer.........

Create a file named filename.bat on any of your partition and write the following code in that file and then save. After saving run and enjoy the increased efficiency of your PC.
Note: Add/remove the name of partition as per your partitions number/name like d: or E: or F: etc.
del/s *.tmp, *.bak
cd C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp
del *.*
cd C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
del *.*
cd c:\windows\temp
del *.*
del/s *.tmp, *.bak
del/s *.tmp, *.bak

Also if you wish you can add this filename.bat file to the startup of the computer/windows........


  1. Good,but it seems to difficult for me, I think there is more easy way to do improve computer.

    To defragment disk is a good choice as well.

  2. defragmenting is a complete different thing.
    what this thing does is it removes the unwanted, temp files, prefetch files, etc from your hdd, while defragment rearranges files in a orderly manner, again improving hdd efficiency
